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  +359 (0) 885 80 66 44

 (02) 870 29 99

 (02) 870 19 99

Opening hours: 07:30 - 21:00 Monday to Sunday

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Part I. General rules

The opening hours of Upi Beauty are from 8.00 to 20.00.

Information on the opening hours of individual facilities and staff schedules is available at the reception desk.Club members and visitors are required to check in at the front desk each time they visit.
Any service must be paid for in advance at the reception.  Smoking is strictly prohibited in all areas of the Club.


Membership at Upi Beauty is by invitation only. The invitee must complete, sign and submit to the reception a form agreeing to abide by the Rules and Regulations. Upi Beauty guarantees the confidentiality of personal data. The Club Management reserves the right to change the terms of membership or the method of membership approval.

Membership cards

The membership card is personal and cannot be transferred to another.

Company card

Employees of the same company can use a joint account at Upi Beauty, but with separate ID cards for each individual member. The joint account is loaded with a certain amount of money, which is allocated according to the company members' wishes.

A discount is applied to the total bill.

Members' and visitors' rights

Every member and visitor of the Upi Beauty Club may use the facilities in accordance with the Internal Regulations.

Duties of members and visitors

Every Upi Beauty member and visitor shall:

  • protect the good name of Upi Beauty

  • abide by the Internal Regulations

  • respect the convenience of other members and visitors

  • protect the property of Upi Beauty

  • be responsible for their personal belongings.

Membership termination

Any Upi Beauty member may terminate their membership at any time without notice. VIP discount cards are revoked if the customer has not visited Upi Beauty in a 6 month period.
Upi Beauty may terminate the membership rights of a member who violates the By-Laws.
The management of Upi Beauty shall not be held liable for any damages or loss of personal belongings.The use of the facilities by a member or visitor of Upi Beauty in such a way as to impair their integrity or in such a way as to render their continued use impossible shall create a prerequisite for Upi Beauty to seek financial liability against the perpetrator.


Reservations are made on a subscription basis.

Members and visitors can also make single bookings subject to availability. Reservations are accepted by phone, online (only if sufficient funds are available in the member's account) or in person at the front desk. Upi Beauty only guarantees reservations paid for and made through the front desk. Otherwise, Upi Beauty reserves the right to sell the booked appointment. Cancelled reservations are updated daily.
Members awaiting reservations shall be notified in person or by telephone as soon as possible.
Reservations are subject to verification to avoid unauthorized use of the facilities.
A trainer or instructor who is not in an employment relationship with Upi Beauty is not allowed to work at Upi Beauty, regardless of his/her personal relationship with his/our client (family, friendship, marriage, professional, etc.). An external coach is a person who has graduated from or is studying at the NSA and/or has received certification from a certifying organization and/or self-identifies as a coach because of his/her professional background, personal qualities, successes. A Club member may use an outside coach only after written application to and permission from Upi Beauty management.The management may cancel or refuse reservations in cases of repair work or due to the organization of events. In these cases, members will be notified in advance.


Club members must be in sports attire and sneakers. The instructor in the gym is required to give beginners initial instruction on the use of the equipment. Members and visitors can book a training session with an instructor. Individual facilities cannot be booked. Only weight training and machine exercises are allowed.
It is mandatory to place a towel over the appliances that are used in the lying position.
All contact sports are prohibited.
Instructors have the authority to terminate any person's training if their actions could damage Upi Beauty property.
Access by non-exercising persons is not permitted. Children under 10 years of age may use the equipment only with an instructor.Members and visitors of the Upi Beauty Club should follow the instructions of the fitness instructor.

Changing rooms

Lockers are available to gym-goers for the duration of their visit only. Upi Beauty is not responsible for loss or damage to personal items left in the lockers. A locker that remains locked after the end of the business day will be opened by Upi Beauty Management, with the cost of damages to the last person who used it. Abandoned property will be kept for 20 days.


Upi Beauty members and visitors receive information about using the sauna from reception. The use of slippers or flip-flops in the room is mandatory. The use of copper and other products that damage sauna surfaces is prohibited.


Club members and visitors receive information on the use of the solarium from reception. After using the solarium, glasses are returned to the reception.


Advance reservations are available at the front desk. A massage that starts late for reasons beyond Upi Beauty's control must be completed within the time and massage schedule. The use of slippers or flip flops in the room is mandatory. Massage therapists must warn that anti-cellulite massages are intense and superficial hematomas may form.

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